Тяжёлый объект / Heavy Object

Япония , 2015
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Тяжёлый объект

Про что фильм "Тяжёлый объект"

Квенсер живёт в эпоху невероятного технического прогресса и мечтает стать проектировщиком так называемых объектов — огромных боевых машин, способных в одиночку уничтожать целые армии. Эти машины совершили настоящий прорыв в военном деле. Чтобы изучать объекты, Квенсер решает отправиться на военную базу на Аляске. Однако не всё так гладко, как хотелось бы — после встречи с Милиндой, элитным пилотом одного из «объектов», нашему парню открывается мрачная правда об этих угрюмых стальных монстрах и их пилотах.

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В ЭФИРЕПлейлист Качество1  АудиоСубтитрыСкоростьОбычная  
Сезон 1
01 Rank and File Soldiers Who Tie Down Gulliver - The Snowy Deep Winter Battle of Alaska I
1 cезон
02 Rank and File Soldiers Who Tie Down Gulliver - The Snowy Deep Winter Battle of Alaska II
1 cезон
03 Rank and File Soldiers Who Tie Down Gulliver - The Snowy Deep Winter Battle of Alaska III
1 cезон
04 Tom Thumb Races Through the Oil Field - The Battle of the Gibraltar Blockade I
1 cезон
05 Tom Thumb Races Through the Oil Field - The Battle of the Gibraltar Blockade II
1 cезон
06 The War of the Ant and the Grasshopper - The Invasion of the Oceanian Military State I
1 cезон
07 The War of the Ant and the Grasshopper - The Invasion of the Oceanian Military State II
1 cезон
08 The War of the Ant and the Grasshopper - The Invasion of the Oceanian Military State III
1 cезон
09 In an Obstacle Course Race, It's Normal to Get Covered in Mud - The Battle for Supremacy in Antarctica
1 cезон
10 Three-Legged Mountain-Climbing Is Life-and-Death - The Artillery Battle in the Iguazu Mountains I
1 cезон
11 Three-Legged Mountain-Climbing Is Life-and-Death - The Artillery Battle in the Iguazu Mountains II
1 cезон
12 Three-Legged Mountain-Climbing Is Life-and-Death - The Artillery Battle in the Iguazu Mountains III
1 cезон
13 In a Cavalry Battle, Knock Down the Foothold - The All-Out War in Amazon City I
1 cезон
14 In a Cavalry Battle, Knock Down the Foothold - The All-Out War in Amazon City II
1 cезон
15 The Graveyard of Junk Is a Mountain of Rare Metals - Interception at the Site of the Alaska Battle I
1 cезон
16 The Graveyard of Junk Is a Mountain of Rare Metals -Interception at the Site of the Alaska Battle II
1 cезон
17 The Coal Mine Littered with Stacks of Money - The Kamchatka Peninsula Nighttime Blitz I
1 cезон
18 The Coal Mine Littered with Stacks of Money, the Kamchatka Peninsula Nighttime Blitz II
1 cезон
19 The Coal Mine Littered with Stacks of Money - The Kamchatka Peninsula Nighttime Blitz III
1 cезон
20 You Can't Put a Price on Honor - The Critical Running Battle on Victoria Island I
1 cезон
21 You Can't Put a Price on Honor - The Critical Running Battle on Victoria Island II
1 cезон
22 You Can't Put a Price on Honor - The Critical Running Battle on Victoria Island III
1 cезон
23 A Requiem for the Flowers Blooming in the Field - The Battle to Destroy the Baby Magnum I
1 cезон
24 A Requiem for the Flowers Blooming in the Field - The Battle to Destroy the Baby Magnum II
1 cезон
24 A Requiem for the Flowers Blooming in the Field - The Battle to Destroy the Baby Magnum II
1 cезон
01 Rank and File Soldiers Who Tie Down Gulliver - The Snowy Deep Winter Battle of Alaska I
1 cезон
02 Rank and File Soldiers Who Tie Down Gulliver - The Snowy Deep Winter Battle of Alaska II
1 cезон
03 Rank and File Soldiers Who Tie Down Gulliver - The Snowy Deep Winter Battle of Alaska III
1 cезон
04 Tom Thumb Races Through the Oil Field - The Battle of the Gibraltar Blockade I
1 cезон
05 Tom Thumb Races Through the Oil Field - The Battle of the Gibraltar Blockade II
1 cезон
06 The War of the Ant and the Grasshopper - The Invasion of the Oceanian Military State I
1 cезон
07 The War of the Ant and the Grasshopper - The Invasion of the Oceanian Military State II
1 cезон
08 The War of the Ant and the Grasshopper - The Invasion of the Oceanian Military State III
1 cезон
09 In an Obstacle Course Race, It's Normal to Get Covered in Mud - The Battle for Supremacy in Antarctica
1 cезон
10 Three-Legged Mountain-Climbing Is Life-and-Death - The Artillery Battle in the Iguazu Mountains I
1 cезон
11 Three-Legged Mountain-Climbing Is Life-and-Death - The Artillery Battle in the Iguazu Mountains II
1 cезон
12 Three-Legged Mountain-Climbing Is Life-and-Death - The Artillery Battle in the Iguazu Mountains III
1 cезон
13 In a Cavalry Battle, Knock Down the Foothold - The All-Out War in Amazon City I
1 cезон
14 In a Cavalry Battle, Knock Down the Foothold - The All-Out War in Amazon City II
1 cезон
15 The Graveyard of Junk Is a Mountain of Rare Metals - Interception at the Site of the Alaska Battle I
1 cезон
16 The Graveyard of Junk Is a Mountain of Rare Metals -Interception at the Site of the Alaska Battle II
1 cезон
17 The Coal Mine Littered with Stacks of Money - The Kamchatka Peninsula Nighttime Blitz I
1 cезон
18 The Coal Mine Littered with Stacks of Money, the Kamchatka Peninsula Nighttime Blitz II
1 cезон
19 The Coal Mine Littered with Stacks of Money - The Kamchatka Peninsula Nighttime Blitz III
1 cезон
20 You Can't Put a Price on Honor - The Critical Running Battle on Victoria Island I
1 cезон
21 You Can't Put a Price on Honor - The Critical Running Battle on Victoria Island II
1 cезон
22 You Can't Put a Price on Honor - The Critical Running Battle on Victoria Island III
1 cезон
23 A Requiem for the Flowers Blooming in the Field - The Battle to Destroy the Baby Magnum I
1 cезон
24 A Requiem for the Flowers Blooming in the Field - The Battle to Destroy the Baby Magnum II
1 cезон
Сезон 1
Сезон 1
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